There are so many questions and doubts in the minds of tourists and readers as to how and who was the Taj Mahal Built, who built the Taj Mahal and for whom, when it was built and how Taj Mahal was built without cement, how long it takes to build Taj Mahal etc. To answer such questions hovering around the minds read the top facts about Taj Mahal architecture and construction.

The Taj Mahal is one of the most famous manmade sights in the world. Its architecture, gardens, and construction material are all famous, and many people travel from all over the world to see it. Here are some of the things you should know about the Taj Mahal.

Taj Mahal Built – When Why and Where?

The Taj Mahal is a marble mausoleum located on the banks of the Yamuna River in the Indian city of Agra. It was built by Shah Jahan, the fifth emperor of the Mughal Empire, to commemorate his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.

Construction of the Taj Mahal took about twenty-one years. It was built with white marble from all over India. The complex also includes a mosque, a guest house, and a large garden.

The Taj Mahal is a world-famous tourist attraction that attracts millions of visitors each year. This architectural masterpiece represents the best in Indo-Islamic sepulchral architecture. It has also been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Taj Mahal is a fusion of Hindu and Islamic elements. It is constructed of marble and features a central dome. Thousands of semiprecious stones were inlaid into the building’s walls. The decorations take months to complete. The marble is also engraved with verses from the Quran.

The Taj Mahal was designed to represent Islamic ideals of heaven on Earth. Its ground plan contains an octagonal tomb chamber and an octagonal marble lattice screen. It is surrounded by a crenelated wall. Shah Jahan wanted the Taj to be the “crown of the region”. It is 73 meters high and 240 feet square in plan. Know About Taj Mahal Timings and Updates

Taj Mahal Construction History

The Taj Mahal is one of the world’s most beautiful manmade monuments. It was designed to celebrate the life of Mumtaz Mahal, one of the most beloved wives of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.

It was a construction project involving 20,000 workers, and its building material came from across the globe. The marble was quarried in Makrana, Rajasthan. Other stones were brought from Arabia, China, and Punjab. During the construction, over 1000 elephants were used to haul building materials.

A council of the best architects was assembled to design the tomb. The designs were submitted to the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. He ordered the construction to begin in 1631. The site was located on the banks of the Jamuna river.

The emperor’s favorite architect, Mir Abd-ul Karim, was notified of the project. He was then assigned the task of overseeing the construction. He was a stone-laying and masonry expert.

He was also responsible for purchasing the materials. He was assisted by Mukkarimat of Shiraz, who was the site manager. The chief sculptor was Chiranjilal, who was a lapidary from Delhi.

Taj Mahal Architecture

The main gateway of the Taj Mahal is a masterpiece of its own. It has a symmetrical design that features a beautiful central dome, arched recesses, and vertical symmetry.

The interior of the Taj is equally impressive. It is decorated with intricate gem work and flower motifs. It also has an octagonal-shaped chamber and a false dome. The interior is a blend of Islamic and Hindu archaeological elements. The building is made of white marble.

The Taj’s octagonal base of four minarets extends beyond the square at the corners. The pinnacle is 233-1/2 feet tall. The main dome is surrounded by smaller ones.

The Mughal dynasty had a very strict policy about inlaying semi-precious stones in their buildings. They believed that such stones have various effects on the fortunes of the people. Hence, the architect of the Taj decided to use the most expensive and auspicious stones for the inlaying work. The Mughal rulers even placed the tomb of their favorite servant on a marble platform.

Taj Mahal Gardens

Taj Mahal Gardens are one of the most prominent parts of the Taj Mahal construction. The garden is based on symmetry and geometric arrangement. It is filled with fountains and flowers. It was originally constructed in the style of Persian Timurid gardens. The Taj Mahal Gardens are open to visitors during Ramadan, but the garden remains closed during the rest of the year.

The Taj Mahal complex is managed by the Archaeological Survey of India. It is also protected by various legal frameworks, including the Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958. The Taj Mahal was constructed to honor Mumtaz Mahal, Shah Jahan’s wife and the mother of his fourteenth child.

The Taj Mahal Garden is situated on the right bank of the Yamuna River in Agra, India. It is a 17-hectare complex that includes the Taj Mahal, a mosque, and other structures. It is open to visitors from sunrise to sunset. However, local Muslims are forbidden to enter the Taj Mahal during Friday prayers.

The Taj Mahal is made of ivory-white marble, and it is surrounded by a crenelated wall. It is bounded on the north and south by double arcade galleries. It is surrounded by four minarets and four small domes.

Taj Mahal Architects

The Taj Mahal, a Mughal masterpiece in India, has been under controversy throughout the centuries. There are many different opinions as to who actually designed the building. Some historians claim that Shah Jahan built it while others believe it was built by European architects.

The design of the Taj Mahal is a combination of Indian and Persian architecture. The building itself uses materials such as marble, jade, lapis lazuli, and turquoise from China, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan. In addition to the main structure, the complex also includes a mosque and guest house. Its dome, also known as the onion dome, is a 35-meter-high masterpiece.

The dome has four minarets on each corner. The interior ceiling is made of an internal dome and is decorated with precious stones. The tombs of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz are located within the complex. The entire structure has undergone major conservation work. The building has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Taj Mahal’s construction was a huge undertaking. More than 20 thousand workers worked on the project. They were aided by sculptors and architects from several regions of India.

During the mid-19th century, Great Britain controlled much of the sub-continent. They did not compromise the qualities of the buildings that they commissioned. The British also maintained a formal appearance inside the complex. The Taj Mahal was restored after it was damaged during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The rebuilding was overseen by the British Viceroy in India, Lord Curzon.

Taj Mahal Construction material

The Taj Mahal is a building in Agra, India, which is built of white marble. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country. It was commissioned by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1631.

The construction of the monument began in 1631, with the help of over 22,000 workers. Materials for the construction of the monument were brought from many places around the world, including China, Afghanistan, Tibet, Sri Lanka, and Makrana, Rajasthan. The stones used in the construction of the Taj Mahal are from different parts of the world, making it a unique landmark.

The Taj Mahal was built in a style that combined Islamic and Hindu arts. It is an ivory-white marble mausoleum. It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, who incorporated Mughal architecture into its design. Symbols are used throughout the Taj to depict the beauty of nature and divinity.

The tomb was shaped like an octagon, with chamfered corners. It features an arch-shaped doorway. It is 55 meters long along each side and stands on a square plinth. The gate of the Taj is made of red sandstone and white marble. It is designed to resemble a defensive fort.

Taj Mahal Inside

Taj Mahal, a short form of Mumtaz Mahal, is a magnificent monument located in Agra, India. It is the most visited structure in the country and draws millions of tourists each year.

Built by Shah Jahan in the 17th century, the Taj Mahal embodies Islamic, Hindu, and indigenous style elements. The marble dome is one of the most prominent features of the structure. It is also decorated with a lotus design.

The construction of the Taj Mahal took 22 years to complete. Thousands of craftsmen, artists, and stone cutters worked on the building. Materials were shipped from around the world. The most notable materials used in the Taj Mahal include marble and red sandstone. Some of the stones were transported from India and Makrana, Rajasthan.

The main dome of the Taj Mahal was designed by Ismail Khan. It is 35 meters high and sits on a cylindrical drum. It is covered with a gilded finial. The dome combines traditional Islamic and Hindu decorative elements.

The exterior of the Taj Mahal has a calligraphic script laid out in black marble. The white marble of the tomb features dark inlays, which help define the space between the elements.

The exterior of the Taj Mahal features several other architectural details, such as raised pathways and water courses. In addition, the complex has been restored and maintained to preserve the structure.